Result Details

Race - 27.06.2022, 20:58 - Track: Hemmelrather Ring 3.0

Shared by Hemmelrather 3.0 220627b
# Drivers Car Laps Gap Fastest Pit stops
1 Frank Stahlknecht
Porsche GT3 RSR Falken 17
65 - 0:10.892 5
2 Frank Gramer
Porsche GT3 RSR VIP Petfood 26
64 +1 Runde(n) 0:10.938 5
3 Gregor Lübbers
Porsche GT3 RSR Felbermayr 88
62 +3 Runde(n) 0:11.247 6
4 Martin Mühling
Porsche GT3 RSR Manthey Racing 18
60 +4 Runde(n) 0:10.890 7
Leading Pit stop Very fast lap Very slow lap

#1 Frank Stahlknecht
Porsche GT3 RSR Falken 17

Laps Lap time Pos. Events
1 0:11.901 3
2 0:14.660 2
3 0:11.136 2
4 0:11.352 2
5 0:12.060 1
6 0:11.203 1
7 0:12.152 1
8 0:12.311 1
9 0:10.892 1
10 0:14.620 1
11 0:11.525 1
12 0:11.697 1
13 0:12.705 1
14 0:12.113 1
15 0:27.460 1 14.6s
16 0:11.477 1
17 0:11.215 1
18 0:11.139 1
19 0:11.383 1
20 0:12.626 1
21 0:12.032 1
22 0:12.064 1
23 0:12.044 1
24 0:11.331 1
25 0:11.430 1
26 0:36.906 1 20.5s
27 0:11.531 1
28 0:11.150 1
29 0:11.508 1
30 0:41.529 1
31 0:13.269 1
32 0:11.302 1
33 0:12.655 1
34 0:11.008 1
35 0:11.991 1
36 0:11.085 1
37 0:11.417 1
38 0:12.401 1
39 0:11.591 1
40 0:37.640 1 14.1s
41 0:11.699 1
42 0:12.302 1
43 0:11.226 1
44 0:12.831 1
45 0:40.578 1
46 0:11.327 1
47 0:11.134 1
48 0:14.021 1
49 0:11.274 1
50 0:11.149 1
51 0:12.813 1
52 0:12.666 1
53 0:11.878 1
54 0:30.423 1 13.9s
55 0:16.236 1
56 0:11.385 1
57 0:11.124 1
58 0:11.205 1
59 0:11.690 1
60 0:13.478 1
61 0:11.866 1
62 0:17.384 1 4.9s
63 0:12.378 1
64 0:12.904 1
65 0:13.405 1

#2 Frank Gramer
Porsche GT3 RSR VIP Petfood 26

Laps Lap time Pos. Events
1 0:12.399 4
2 0:13.951 3
3 0:11.607 3
4 0:11.216 3
5 0:12.047 3
6 0:11.769 3
7 0:12.310 2
8 0:14.734 3
9 0:11.251 3
10 0:16.149 3
11 0:12.069 3
12 0:30.276 4 17.5s
13 0:12.049 3
14 0:11.713 3
15 0:11.603 3
16 0:11.350 3
17 0:11.447 3
18 0:11.344 3
19 0:11.838 3
20 0:11.457 3
21 0:11.699 2
22 0:11.638 2
23 0:11.745 2
24 0:24.086 2 10.5s
25 0:27.056 2
26 0:11.526 2
27 0:11.179 2
28 0:11.187 2
29 0:11.454 2
30 0:37.286 2
31 0:12.299 2
32 0:11.143 2
33 0:12.881 2
34 0:11.338 2
35 0:11.700 2
36 0:25.920 2 12.5s
37 0:12.694 2
38 0:11.246 2
39 0:11.611 2
40 0:19.164 2
41 0:11.786 2
42 0:13.712 2
43 0:11.374 2
44 0:12.194 2
45 0:39.517 2
46 0:11.323 2
47 0:10.938 2
48 0:38.203 2 12.8s
49 0:12.420 2
50 0:12.742 2
51 0:11.158 2
52 0:11.799 2
53 0:12.259 2
54 0:11.528 2
55 0:12.029 2
56 0:11.327 2
57 0:11.511 2
58 0:11.764 2
59 0:15.117 2
60 0:25.913 2 12.7s
61 0:11.547 2
62 0:14.320 2
63 0:12.674 2
64 0:12.874 2

#3 Gregor Lübbers
Porsche GT3 RSR Felbermayr 88

Laps Lap time Pos. Events
1 0:11.716 2
2 0:13.334 1
3 0:11.908 1
4 0:11.912 1
5 0:12.413 2
6 0:11.585 2
7 0:12.827 3
8 0:13.801 2
9 0:11.817 2
10 0:14.526 2
11 0:11.960 2
12 0:27.856 3 11.7s
13 0:11.941 2
14 0:11.853 2
15 0:11.805 2
16 0:11.759 2
17 0:11.635 2
18 0:11.995 2
19 0:11.856 2
20 0:12.469 2
21 0:23.056 3
22 0:32.075 4 14.8s
23 0:25.784 4
24 0:11.866 3
25 0:11.840 3
26 0:11.716 3
27 0:11.510 3
28 0:38.496 3
29 0:15.784 3
30 0:11.486 3
31 0:15.067 3
32 0:27.473 4 15.4s
33 0:11.504 4
34 0:11.613 4
35 0:12.484 4
36 0:11.325 3
37 0:11.724 3
38 0:24.588 3
39 0:12.228 3
40 0:11.495 3
41 0:11.565 3
42 0:11.959 3
43 0:39.052 3
44 0:30.070 4 14.7s
45 0:11.815 4
46 0:11.465 4
47 0:12.943 3
48 0:14.960 3
49 0:11.899 3
50 0:13.773 3
51 0:12.070 3
52 0:12.342 3
53 0:18.630 3 4.2s
54 0:11.247 3
55 0:11.440 3
56 0:11.613 3
57 0:12.311 3
58 0:11.587 3
59 0:11.778 3
60 0:12.564 3
61 0:28.943 3 3.7s
62 0:12.747 3

#4 Martin Mühling
Porsche GT3 RSR Manthey Racing 18

Laps Lap time Pos. Events
1 0:11.929 1
2 0:18.321 4
3 0:12.019 4
4 0:11.913 4
5 0:14.532 4
6 0:14.735 4
7 0:12.356 4
8 0:12.076 4
9 0:16.417 4
10 0:11.731 4
11 0:12.824 4
12 0:12.350 2
13 0:37.449 4 24.0s
14 0:11.745 4
15 0:11.686 4
16 0:11.853 4
17 0:14.757 4
18 0:14.430 4
19 0:14.785 4
20 0:12.033 4
21 0:11.651 4
22 0:11.507 3
23 0:12.606 3
24 0:36.184 4 21.7s
25 0:11.750 4
26 0:12.805 4 1.1s
27 0:11.986 4
28 0:42.074 4
29 0:12.006 4
30 0:12.816 4
31 0:11.731 4
32 0:11.949 3
33 0:12.141 3
34 0:11.764 3
35 0:14.803 3
36 0:42.662 4 17.1s
37 0:12.157 4
38 0:12.266 4
39 0:11.900 4
40 0:14.775 4
41 0:39.692 4
42 0:11.700 4
43 0:11.427 4
44 0:11.811 3
45 0:11.323 3
46 0:12.302 3
47 0:15.359 4
48 0:41.274 4 20.3s
49 0:11.956 4
50 0:13.764 4
51 0:11.402 4
52 0:11.878 4
53 0:17.874 4 4.0s
54 0:11.921 4
55 0:11.576 4
56 0:11.267 4
57 0:10.890 4
58 0:11.981 4
59 0:11.164 4
60 1:12.684 4 3.0s
Lap Time Event Drivers
- 18:33:14 Race started -
- 18:33:38 Personal best lap Martin Mühling
- 18:33:38 Best lap Martin Mühling
1 18:33:39 Personal best lap Gregor Lübbers
1 18:33:39 Best lap Gregor Lübbers
1 18:33:40 Personal best lap Frank Stahlknecht
1 18:33:40 Personal best lap Frank Gramer
1 18:33:42 Race suspended -
1 18:33:46 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Martin Mühling
1 18:34:10 Race suspended -
1 18:34:15 Received a time penalty (4 seconds) Martin Mühling
1 18:34:26 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Frank Gramer
2 18:34:33 Lead taken Gregor Lübbers
3 18:34:46 Personal best lap Frank Stahlknecht
3 18:34:46 Best lap Frank Stahlknecht
3 18:34:47 Personal best lap Frank Gramer
4 18:34:58 Personal best lap Frank Gramer
4 18:35:02 Personal best lap Martin Mühling
4 18:35:06 Race suspended -
4 18:35:09 Received a time penalty (6 seconds) Martin Mühling
5 18:35:23 Lead taken Frank Stahlknecht
6 18:35:35 Personal best lap Gregor Lübbers
6 18:35:40 Race suspended -
6 18:35:43 Received a time penalty (8 seconds) Martin Mühling
6 18:35:48 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Gregor Lübbers
7 18:36:43 Race suspended -
7 18:36:47 Received a time penalty (4 seconds) Gregor Lübbers
8 18:37:11 Personal best lap Frank Stahlknecht
8 18:37:11 Best lap Frank Stahlknecht
9 18:37:17 Race suspended -
9 18:37:20 Received a time penalty (4 seconds) Frank Gramer
9 18:37:23 Received a time penalty (10 seconds) Martin Mühling
9 18:37:40 Race suspended -
9 18:37:44 Received a time penalty (6 seconds) Frank Gramer
9 18:37:51 Received a time penalty (12 seconds) Martin Mühling
11 18:38:37 Personal best lap Martin Mühling
11 18:38:42 Entered the pits Gregor Lübbers
11 18:38:44 Entered the pits Frank Gramer
12 18:38:51 Served a penalty Frank Gramer
12 18:38:54 Pit stop completed Gregor Lübbers
13 18:39:02 Pit stop completed Frank Gramer
13 18:39:05 Entered the pits Martin Mühling
14 18:39:15 Entered the pits Frank Stahlknecht
14 18:39:17 Served a penalty Martin Mühling
14 18:39:30 Pit stop completed Martin Mühling
14 18:39:30 Pit stop completed Frank Stahlknecht
17 18:40:04 Personal best lap Martin Mühling
19 18:40:28 Race suspended -
19 18:40:32 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Martin Mühling
20 18:40:50 Race suspended -
20 18:40:56 Received a time penalty (4 seconds) Martin Mühling
21 18:41:35 Race suspended -
21 18:41:38 Received a time penalty (6 seconds) Martin Mühling
22 18:42:10 Entered the pits Gregor Lübbers
23 18:42:14 Served a penalty Gregor Lübbers
23 18:42:20 Entered the pits Frank Gramer
23 18:42:20 Personal best lap Martin Mühling
24 18:42:25 Pit stop completed Gregor Lübbers
24 18:42:31 Pit stop completed Frank Gramer
24 18:42:32 Personal best lap Martin Mühling
25 18:42:39 Entered the pits Frank Stahlknecht
25 18:42:48 Entered the pits Martin Mühling
25 18:42:55 Served a penalty Martin Mühling
25 18:42:55 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Frank Gramer
25 18:43:00 Pit stop completed Frank Stahlknecht
25 18:43:11 Pit stop completed Martin Mühling
27 18:43:31 Personal best lap Frank Gramer
28 18:43:35 Entered the pits Martin Mühling
28 18:43:36 Pit stop completed Martin Mühling
29 18:43:48 Personal best lap Gregor Lübbers
29 18:44:18 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Frank Stahlknecht
29 18:44:22 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Martin Mühling
29 18:44:24 Race suspended -
30 18:44:39 Race suspended -
30 18:44:42 Received a time penalty (4 seconds) Martin Mühling
30 18:44:58 Race suspended -
30 18:45:01 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Gregor Lübbers
32 18:45:27 Personal best lap Gregor Lübbers
32 18:45:27 Personal best lap Frank Gramer
32 18:45:33 Race suspended -
32 18:45:36 Received a time penalty (4 seconds) Gregor Lübbers
33 18:45:59 Entered the pits Gregor Lübbers
34 18:46:03 Served a penalty Gregor Lübbers
35 18:46:15 Pit stop completed Gregor Lübbers
35 18:46:20 Entered the pits Frank Gramer
35 18:46:22 Served a penalty Frank Gramer
36 18:46:33 Pit stop completed Frank Gramer
37 18:46:48 Race suspended -
37 18:46:51 Received a time penalty (6 seconds) Martin Mühling
38 18:47:11 Entered the pits Martin Mühling
39 18:47:17 Entered the pits Frank Stahlknecht
39 18:47:17 Served a penalty Martin Mühling
39 18:47:19 Served a penalty Frank Stahlknecht
39 18:47:24 Personal best lap Gregor Lübbers
39 18:47:29 Pit stop completed Martin Mühling
39 18:47:32 Pit stop completed Frank Stahlknecht
39 18:47:40 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Martin Mühling
39 18:47:43 Race suspended -
39 18:48:08 Race suspended -
39 18:48:13 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Gregor Lübbers
40 18:48:28 Race suspended -
40 18:48:31 Received a time penalty (4 seconds) Gregor Lübbers
41 18:48:55 Race suspended -
41 18:49:00 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Frank Gramer
43 18:49:40 Race suspended -
43 18:49:43 Received a time penalty (4 seconds) Martin Mühling
44 18:50:06 Race suspended -
44 18:50:09 Received a time penalty (6 seconds) Martin Mühling
45 18:51:04 Entered the pits Gregor Lübbers
46 18:51:08 Served a penalty Gregor Lübbers
47 18:51:17 Personal best lap Frank Gramer
47 18:51:17 Personal best lap Martin Mühling
47 18:51:19 Pit stop completed Gregor Lübbers
47 18:51:23 Race suspended -
47 18:51:27 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Frank Stahlknecht
48 18:51:52 Entered the pits Frank Gramer
48 18:51:54 Served a penalty Frank Gramer
48 18:52:02 Personal best lap Martin Mühling
49 18:52:06 Pit stop completed Frank Gramer
50 18:52:24 Race suspended -
50 18:52:27 Received a time penalty (8 seconds) Martin Mühling
51 18:52:47 Entered the pits Martin Mühling
51 18:52:48 Race suspended -
52 18:53:07 Served a penalty Martin Mühling
53 18:53:20 Pit stop completed Martin Mühling
53 18:53:25 Entered the pits Frank Stahlknecht
53 18:53:27 Served a penalty Frank Stahlknecht
53 18:53:31 Race suspended -
53 18:53:35 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Martin Mühling
53 18:53:50 Pit stop completed Frank Stahlknecht
54 18:54:03 Race suspended -
54 18:54:06 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Frank Stahlknecht
54 18:54:31 Race suspended -
54 18:54:44 Received a time penalty (4 seconds) Frank Stahlknecht
54 18:54:54 Entered the pits Gregor Lübbers
55 18:54:59 Pit stop completed Gregor Lübbers
57 18:55:20 Personal best lap Gregor Lübbers
57 18:55:21 Entered the pits Martin Mühling
57 18:55:23 Served a penalty Martin Mühling
57 18:55:25 Pit stop completed Martin Mühling
59 18:55:46 Race suspended -
59 18:55:55 Received a time penalty (2 seconds) Frank Gramer
59 18:56:09 Entered the pits Frank Gramer
59 18:56:11 Served a penalty Frank Gramer
60 18:56:22 Pit stop completed Frank Gramer
61 18:56:28 Entered the pits Frank Stahlknecht
61 18:56:30 Personal best lap Martin Mühling
61 18:56:33 Served a penalty Frank Stahlknecht
61 18:56:34 Pit stop completed Frank Stahlknecht
61 18:56:40 Personal best lap Martin Mühling
61 18:56:40 Best lap Martin Mühling
62 18:56:47 Race suspended -
63 18:57:18 Entered the pits Gregor Lübbers
63 18:57:20 Race suspended -
64 18:57:32 Pit stop completed Gregor Lübbers
64 18:57:36 Race suspended -
65 18:58:04 Race won Frank Stahlknecht
65 18:58:06 Race finished Frank Gramer
65 18:58:15 Race finished Gregor Lübbers
65 18:58:31 Entered the pits Martin Mühling
65 18:58:35 Pit stop completed Martin Mühling
65 18:58:59 Race finished Martin Mühling
65 18:58:59 Race won Frank Stahlknecht
65 18:58:59 Race finished Frank Gramer
65 18:58:59 Race finished Gregor Lübbers
65 18:58:59 Race finished Martin Mühling
65 18:58:59 Race finished -


Laps lead

Pit stops

Fast laps

Slow laps

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Frank Stahlknecht
Porsche GT3 RSR Falken 17
Race, Hemmelrather Ring 3.0, 27.06.2022, 20:58 65 Laps, fastest: 0:10.892 Total time: 15:29.887
Frank Gramer
Porsche GT3 RSR VIP Petfood 26
Race, Hemmelrather Ring 3.0, 27.06.2022, 20:58 64 Laps, fastest: 0:10.938 Total time: 15:31.460
Gregor Lübbers
Porsche GT3 RSR Felbermayr 88
Race, Hemmelrather Ring 3.0, 27.06.2022, 20:58 62 Laps, fastest: 0:11.247 Total time: 15:40.855

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